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0 votes
Hi there,
I've converted my tests from MS Test framework, to using NUnit tests (we've had to change over due to economic reasons - cost per developer just wasn't worth it)

I'm getting the above TypeMockException when running the unit tests through ReSharper test runner (which I believe uses NUnit anyway).

I'm also getting the same error when running the tests directly via nunit-gui (started via TMockRunner - so TypeMock is enabled).

I am not using any code coverage/profiling (as detailed in

I am using Windows Server 2003 R2 x64bit, with VS2005 32bit and TypeMock 3.6 32bit).

The tests did run correctly with MSTest framework, so I'm unsure what could be wrong....

How To Make A Vaporizer
asked by pmcevoy (4.7k points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Please download TypeMock.NET latest version.
This should fix your problem.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
As indicated, I am using 3.6 which is the latest on the download page. However I received an email from Scot with a link to 3.6.1 which I will download and try.

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answered by pmcevoy (4.7k points)
0 votes
I've upgraded as requested, however it seems that all that has changed is the text of the error message:

Ammado.Services.SecurityTokenService.Tests.Actions.ChangePasswordActionTest.ChangePassword : TypeMock.TypeMockException : 
*** TypeMock.NET needs to be linked with Coverage Tool to run, to enable do one of the following:
   1. link the Coverage tool through the TypeMock Configuration
   2. run tests via TMockRunner.exe -link
   3. use TypeMockStart tasks for MSBuild or NAnt with Link 
For more information consult the documentation (see Code Coverage with TypeMock.NET topic)

I am not using any code coverage on the tests (yet). So I find it hard to understand why I should need to link against one, just to run the tests from either nunit-gui (started via tmockrunner) or from within VS2005 using ReSharper TestRunner (with TypeMock enabled).

The same tests pass without problem on our 32bit build server.

So, to summarize,
- the tests run correctly on Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (32bit)
- the tests fail with the above exception on Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition

I think this issue is still outstanding...
answered by pmcevoy (4.7k points)
0 votes
Please check the GAC directory (C:WINDOWSssembly)
If older version of TypeMock exists please uninstall it from the GAC.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
After a VNC session with Scott, I have the following workaround.

The test runners have to be marked as 32bit Apps. So, for each testrunner I wanted to use, I had to type from a VS.Net command prompt:

corflags /32BIT+ "C:Program Files (x86)NUnit-Net-2.0 2.2.8in

corflags /32BIT+ "C:Program Files (x86)NUnit-Net-2.0 2.2.8in

corflags /32BIT+ "C:Program Files (x86)JetBrainsReSharperVS2005inJetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestRunner.exe"

I could install 64bit type mock, and not have this issue, but then I loose the VS2005 integration (as VS2005 is a 32bit app).

Thanks for your patience, Scott!

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answered by pmcevoy (4.7k points)