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0 votes
All my test class derived from a class called FrameworkTestBase.

It worked fine until I moved my MockManager.Init() into the test initialise from the individual tests.

Now I get a null object exception from this code MockManager.Init():
    public class FrameworkTestBase : TestCommonBase
        public void MyTestInitialize()

     ... Some more code
            catch (Exception e)
                ... Some error handling

The stacktrace reads:

" at q.f() at TypeMock.MockManager.Init(Boolean collectAllCalls) at TypeMock.MockManager.Init() at Company.Test.Harness.FrameworkTestBase.MyTestInitialize() in C:\Projects\Company\Test\Harness\FrameworkTestBase.cs:line 52"

Any idea why this would happen?
asked by kerryr (1.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Never mind got it. I'm on my home machine and didn't install the typemock library locally.
answered by kerryr (1.8k points)