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What if I want to get a count of how many times the _cache method was called regardless of parameters passed in?
related to an answer for: Verifying method has been called
asked by donniedarko (3.8k points)
I see the "WasCalledWithAnyArguments" verify method but if the method I am checking takes parameters I still have to specify them when calling the Verify method.

Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(Function() _fakeDbContext.InstrumentFormEntities.Add(New InstrumentFormEntity()))

The "Add" method takes a parameter, and I don't care what parameter is passed in I just want to ensure the "Add" method was called. I was looking for something similar to this:

Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(Function() _fakeDbContext.InstrumentFormEntities.Add(It.IsAny(Function() InstrumentFormEntity))))

I hope that makes sense, thanks!




1 Answer

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Best answer
To ignore the actual parameter when checking the number of times it was called:

Public Sub verifyCalledWithParams_TimesCalled_IgnorParams()

    Dim a As New AClass
    Isolate.WhenCalled(Sub() a.DoWorkWithParams(Nothing)).CallOriginal()


    Dim timesCallsd = Isolate.Verify.GetTimesCalled(Sub() a.DoWorkWithParams(Nothing))

    Assert.AreEqual(3, timesCallsd)

End Sub

To Check if a method was called regardless to parameters just use WasCalledWithAnyArguments:
Public Sub verifyCalledWithParams_IgnorParams()

    Dim a As New AClass
    Isolate.WhenCalled(Sub() a.DoWorkWithParams(Nothing)).CallOriginal()


    Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(Sub() a.DoWorkWithParams(Nothing))

End Sub


answered by alex (17k points)
selected by donniedarko
Perfect, thanks!