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since we are using Typemock 7.4.1 we are not able to link to Ncover anymore.
After some googling (its very hidden :)) I found that its explicit now. In older versions we were able to profile the test with using Nocver UI (Application C:Program Files (x86)NUnit 2.6in unit-console-x86.exe). If we are using that way Ncover reports:
15) SetUp Error : GDVDL.Service.UebergabeinformationenVerwaltung.Implementation.Tests.UebergabeInfoLoeschenValidatorTests.UebergabeInfoLoeschenValidator_InfoIdNotExisting_ThrowsG0007
SetUp : TypeMock.TypeMockException :
*** NCover3.0 or NCover2.0 Profiler is Enabled. You can enable Isolator using the following methods:

* To run Typemock Isolator as part of an automated process you can:
- run tests via TMockRunner.exe command line tool and use the -link <ProfilerName>
- use 'TypeMockStart' tasks for MSBuild or NAnt <TypeMockStart Link = <ProfilerName>/>

Ok I have to use TMockRunner.exe and everything would be fine (using the console). But is there really no other way to use Ncover 3.x UI?


asked by Moritz (3.3k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Hi Moritz,

In Isolator version 7.4.1 we introduced a new feature - Plug-and-Play Profiling.
This feature allows you to use Isolator along with other profiler based tools without any additional configuration( as it was until this version). It means that you should be able to use Ncover as if your tests are written without Isolator.

I have some questions in order to better understand this issue:

1) What exactly is NCover UI? (Is it Ncover's Visual studio Interface?)
2) How Do you run the tests with Ncover UI? (Where do you go and what do you press?)
3) Do you have any special setup for Isolator in Ncover?

Looking forward to your reply.
answered by alex (17k points)
0 votes
Hallo Alex,

thanks for your reply.
We are using the Ncover Explorer as an own application. In older typemock versions we could use the attached configuration successfully. With the Ncover Explorer we also start the tests.

Do you have any special setup for Isolator in Ncover? --> We use the same installation for ncover and visual studio
I hope this information is helpful.


answered by Moritz (3.3k points)
0 votes
Hi Moritz,

I'm waiting for NCover support to send me NCover 3 installer.

I'll update you as soon as I reproduce this issue.
answered by alex (17k points)
0 votes
Hi Moritz,

Ok I have to use TMockRunner.exe and everything would be fine (using the console). But is there really no other way to use Ncover 3.x UI?
NCover( or any other profiling tool ) should run under Typemcok process in order to be able to work with 2 profiling tool simultaneously. While in VS it happens seamlessly, outside vs you must explicitly do that - by running "TmockRunner.exe Ncover.exe".

At present,we aren't aware of other ways to link both tools.
answered by alex (17k points)