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0 votes

I hope someone can help with this as it's driving me mad.

I'm trying to mock an assembly that uses Newtonsofts' JSON library, in particular the JObject class. Whenever there is a return type of this or I attempt to pass in a JObject, Typemock fails with a System.Security.VerifyException.

Interestingly it only does this when I call Isolate.Verify to make sure the call was made - if I do not do this, it passes the test.

Any ideas? Edit: Sorry,it's version 6.0.4

Things I've tried so far : marking assembly AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers, setting SecurityOptions to Level1....neither worked :(

asked by boltonto (1.8k points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Can you run Typemock with logs and send them over to us?

You can enable logs from within VS -> Typemock menu -> Options -> VS tab.

Please send the logs to support( see top of the page ).
answered by alex (17k points)
0 votes
Thanks Alex - they're on route....
answered by boltonto (1.8k points)
0 votes
Hi Alex,

If it helps - my own copy of Typemock is 7.1.6 and that likes the JObject being passed across, returned etc., even calling Verify causes no exceptions.

I guess my question ultimately is - can the version these guys are using handle this? I've started asking whether or not we can upgrade under the current license they have.

answered by boltonto (1.8k points)