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0 votes
I have been using TypeMock for a while, with TestDriven.Net to do unit testing and getting code coverage report. But sometimes, and in some machines, when we invoke Test With -> Coverage, the report has only the coverage details for the unit tests assembly. We have our code(lets call it "Exe") and unit tests("Tests") in separate assemblies. Our code("Exe") is targeted for .NET 2.0 runtime, but unit tests run on 3.5 to use TypeMock.

Then I tried using TMockRunner and NCOver3.0 to get coverage report. Sometimes, the report doesn't show coverage for the code and has only the test assembly's coverage. At some other times(I used //a "Exe"), even when the coverage report has the code, it doesn't show symbol coverage and doesn't load classes with coverage details(no numbers, no coloring).

I did some googling, but didn't find anyone reporting similar issues.
I was wondering if I'm missing something.

asked by mkurian (1.8k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi Merrin,

Is it possible that the machines where you see the problem have 64 bit OS installed on them?
If it is the case you should check if all the tools are running in the same context.
e.g. If the tests should run in x64 check that TMockRunner, ncover.console and the test runner are running as x64 processes.
You can check that by looking at the task manager during the run. Processes that are running as x86 will have "*32" append to their name, otherwise its x64 process.

If what I described above is not the case please post here what unit tests framework are you using and the command line that you are using to run the tests with coverage.

Please let me know if it helps.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes

Thanks for the reply. I did not use any 64-bit machine. Sorry for not mentioning that. We use NUnit, RhinoMocks and TypeMock in our unit tests.

Here is the command I used:
"C:Program FilesTypemockIsolator.3TMockRunner.exe" -first -link NCover3.0 "C:Program FilesNCover cover.console.exe" //a "Exe" //x "c:coverage.xml" "C:NUnit.4.7in unit-console.exe" "Path to Tests assembly"

Hope this helps.
answered by mkurian (1.8k points)
0 votes
Hi Merrin,

The command line looks fine. I suggest we'll take it offline, I'll send you a mail from our support and we'll continue from there.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)