Unit Testing Horror Stories – Share Yours!


Yeah, we know unit testing is not always easy.

With over 50,000 Typemock users worldwide, we’ve heard it all before: crazy deadlines, pesky bugs and difficult bosses. But we also know that when you stick to it – it’s all worthwhile!

We want to hear your unit testing horror story, whether you succeed or not, so others can learn from your experience and better cope with the difficulties of getting there. And let’s face it – it’s always amusing to hear about it!

Post your story on our special Unit Testing Horror Stories webpage (via the Facebook “comments” plug-in, so you’ll need to be logged in).

If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can email your story to: social@typemock.com, and we’ll post it on your behalf.

Our team of experts will pick the best ones, and award their contributors with some great prizes, and a chance to become one of our Unit Testing Evangelist.

Hurry up! Entries accepted until Tuesday April 30.