This month our newsletter shows you how to tackle the problem and put fear aside when touching Legacy Code. Another big question we noticed that many carry around, is whether one should go open-source or commercial when it comes up to choosing a mocking framework.
Last but not least, we have a great surprise for you in our podcast this month… You have to check it out :)! Leave a comment at the end of this post, and let us know, how you liked our podcast!
Eli Lopian’s thoughts on Legacy Code
Defining legacy code is surprisingly hard but almost every definition inspires fear of touching it.
We are probably the only field that has a bad and messy association when hearing ‘legacy’.
Read the complete blog post by Typemock’s CEO and Founder Eli Lopian.
Mocking Frameworks: Is it Worth Paying for Them?
When your team embarks on the unit testing journey, one of the first things you’ll find yourselves doing is evaluating mocking frameworks and trying to understand whether to go Open Source or not. Get the whole picture here.
Who is afraid of Legacy Code?
?Typemock Podcast
Dealing with Legacy Code is a vicious cycle. The more you fear to touch it, the more you let it languish and grow obsolete.
Listen to our podcast and learn how to conquer that fear and be productive.
Typemock Comic: Developer Hell 2.0
Mel has to face the fact that developers have to give up a lot in order to be more productive and just before concluding his train of thoughts, the unbearable happens…