Thanks! Danke!

The following post is from Adi Beker, Typemock’s Senior Customer Liaison. Adi accompanied Typemock’s Product Manager Gil Zilberfeld to the Advanced Developers Conference in Munich, Germany, where Gil was a featured speaker.

Last week I traveled with Gil Zilberfeld to the conference in Munich, it was a local conference aimed for developers. Even though I work with an amazing team of developers at Typemock every day, it’s not the same as being surrounded by 50 developers for 2 days almost 20 hours a day…  I’m coming from the business development & customer related orientation and to tell the truth, Typemock was my first true exposure to the world of development & developers. So, being surrounded for two days by developers, in a foreign country, where everyone around me speaks a language I don’t understand (except for the Good Morning / Good night greeting or should I say “Guten Morgan and Gute Nacht” Smile), being the only girl in the room was a real adventure for me and I didn’t really know how will I fit in… but what can I say? I was warmly welcomed with open arms and I had an amazing time!

I want to take this opportunity to say thank one more time to the organizers and participants at the Advanced Developers Conference and the guys from the Coding Dojo, especially the organizer, Ilker Cetinkaya. It was my first Coding Dojo ever, and while my partner in crime, Gil, had participated in a few of those during his lifetime as a developers… I haven’t and I didn’t really know what to expect. It was awesome!!! Again, I found out how passionate developers can be about their work, and how much they really want to be better at what they do. On top of that, they all did the effort to have the session in English and not only German so I will have the chance to understand what they’re talking about… even though it was a coding session and as I said in the beginning, I’m no developer – I’m coming from the customer side. So, in the end, I definitely learned a lot!

Besides the ADC and Coding Dojo, I also met with users of Typemock and people to partner up with. We had interesting meetings, shared ideas, went to nice places where we ate good food and had loads of beer… (when in Germany… you have to try the beer!). All in all, it was great to meet the people behind the emails and phones.

Despite returning home and going straight to sleep, I had a great time and want to thank everyone who attended and everyone whom I met.

I look forward to staying in contact with everyone. Of course, if you are interested in Typemock – or just want to invite me to meet you – please be in touch!