You remember Sophia’s interview with Mel? Now it’s her turn to hire the next candidate for the company. Let’s see what the aspirant has to bring to the table…
We already discussed in a previous post weak excuses for not showing up in an interview. Let’s have a look at memorable interviews that actually do take place. Here is an overview of the oddest scenarios:
#Taken a family photo off the interviewer’s desk and put it into her purse.
#Started screaming that the interview was taking too long.
#Sung her responses to questions.
#Put lotion on her feet during the interview. (Seriously?!?!?)
#Started feeling the interviewer’s chest to find a heartbeat so the two of them could “connect heart to heart.”
#Conducted a phone interview in the bathroom—and flushed.
# Said “painter of birdhouses” when asked what his/her ideal job was. (The company was hiring for a data entry clerk.)
#Had a pet bird in his/her shirt.
#Spread confetti around during the interview.
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Familiarize yourself with the complete comic series:
Part 1: Typemock Comic: Developer Hell 2.0
Part 2: Typemock Comic Developer Hell 2.0 – Decisions Can’t be Googled
Part 3: Unproductive Meetings in an Agile World
Part 4: The Java Experience with Incompetent Co-workers
Part 5: About Project Managers and Programmers
Part 6: Weird Interviews Programmers Must Endure
Part 7: Fluent in C++ and CAT