I’ve promised to do this a while back. So here goes.
From version 5.0 on, Isolator comes in two license flavors – commercial and open-source. The free open source license gives an opportunity to open source projects to use Isolator as their platform for unit tests.
If I’m a developer who’s working on an open-source project, I’d go to the download page at the Typemock site and download the open-source installer. After installation and registration I get a free license key and I’m good to go. I can, download the source of my project, which contains Isolator tests, and work from there. I can add tests and check them in so others can do the same. Each contributor needs a license key, which he receives following the download from the site.
If I already have a commercial license (from my company or personal license), I can use the Isolator version and license I already have installed to work also on the open source projects. There’s no need for license switching. I can work with what I have.
Now, there is a need to communicate the version of the Isolator you’re using in the project to all the contributors and users, otherwise, tests may not compile or run properly. But that’s true to all 3rd party components in projects. Once a new version of Isolator comes out, assuming the tests support it, I can download it and continue working with the former license still intact.
That’s it. Very simple. Go ahead, get the free open source license now, and simplify your software development.
Technorati Tag:
Open Source , free license , Software Development