FREE WEBINAR: Presented by Gil Zilberfeld, Product Manager – Typemock.
For years we’ve looked for coverage as the key metric to represent quality.
We know it’s not much, but it’s what we’ve got, right?
The truth is that coverage lies all the time. The easiest way to trick coverage tool is to remove the “assert” statement from the test.
There are a couple of ways we’re tricking ourselves to believe the coverage report, painting the wrong picture.
In this session, I’ll go over what we believe are coverage truths and what to actually look for in coverage reports.
They are not useless – you just need to know what to look for. Once we’ve got the right glasses on, we can make the right decisions: where to put more testing efforts, and decide when we have enough coverage.
We build assumptions and make decisions based on what coverage tells us. Let’s make sure we start by understanding what really useful coverage is.