Verifying Static Methods
To verify that a static method was called, use the same API as fake objects. You can verify calls only on the types that were activated with Isolate.WhenCalled().
When to Use
When you want to check a case when a specific static method is called.
C# Isolate.Verify.<Verification_Statement>(() => <static_method>);
Isolate.Verify.<Verification_Statement>(Function() <static_method>)
The following sample shows how to verify whether a static method was called.
C# [TestMethod, Isolated] public void VerifyStaticMethodWasCalled() { Isolate.Fake.StaticMethods<Dependency>(Members.ReturnRecursiveFakes); // Must Fake At Least One Static Method var result = new ClassUnderTest().Calculate(1, 2); Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(() => Dependency.CheckSecurity(null, null)); }
<TestMethod(), Isolated()>
Public Sub VerifyStaticMethodWasCalled()
Isolate.Fake.StaticMethods(Of Dependency)(Members.ReturnRecursiveFakes)
Dim result = New ClassUnderTest().Calculate(1, 2)
Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(Sub() Dependency.CheckSecurity(Nothing, Nothing))
End Sub