Running Typemock SmartRunner Task

The SmartRunner is a unit test runner, that can run Nunit, Xunit and MSTest as well as Suggested and Sandboxed tests.

SmartRunner can run on both Shared and On Premises Agents, as it doesn't require deployment.

Using SmartRunner Task

SmartRunner Task is normally used as direct replacement for the VSTest task. It has similar execution and reporting options:

Execution Options

Test Assembly

Specifies the binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used.

Test Names

Additional criteria to filter tests from Test Assemblies. It operates on the "contains" principle.

For example, for "MyTest" criteria all tests from "MyTestsNamespace" namespace will run, as well as all tests from "MyTestClass" class and test method named "MyTest".

Reporting Options

Test Run Title

Specifies a name for the Test Run.

Results Format

Specifies a format for Tests Results. You can choose MStest or nUnit format


Platform against which the tests should be reported.


Configuration against which the tests should be reported.


Check this option if you want to run multiple DLLs with a different Process created for each Test DLL.

Code Coverage Report

Code Coverage Options

Coverage Assembly

Specify Covered Assembly Name

Code Coverage Report Format

Choose Report format

Special SmartRunner Options

For analyzing and fixing bugs Typemock provides you diagnostics logs, which you can find as the build artifacts.

Advanced Execution Options

Log Mocking Diagnostics

To enable all mocking logs

Log SmartRunner Diagnostics

To enable SmartRunner logs

Setup License

For using Typemock's task you need to set the license

Simply add the company this instance of Typemock is licensed to and the licensed key to the corresponding fields:



Name of the company this instance of Typemock is licensed to


License key

Follow the Best Practices to configure Typemock references correctly for your test project. This is crucial for stable SmartRunner's work.

Once this configured this task will run Nunit, MSTests and Suggested Tests with Typemock Isolator.

Typemock Isolator on VSTS is available only from version 8.1.4