Integrating with TeamCity using SmartRunner Console
To integrate Typemock Isolator using a SmartRunner Console:
1. In TeamCity, under Build Steps, click Add build step button
2. Select Command Line as Runner type
3. In the Custom script, add a command to run SmartRunner Console, for example:
(location)\TypeMock.SmartRunner.Console.exe -t (location)\TestsAssembly.dll -c (location)\CoveredAssembly.dll --CoverageReportTypes=Html,TeamCity --CoverageOutput=coverage -o ./TestResults -k (Company) (Key)
4. Add another Build Step, again, set Runner type as Command Line, in the Custom script:
@echo ##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'TestResults/coverage/']
5. Go to project settings, in General Settings, click Report Tabs.
6. Click Create new project report tab, select build configuration and fill Tab Title, use index.htm as Start page
7. Click Create new build report tab, fill Tab Title, use index.htm as Start page
Coverage results: