Integrating with CruiseControl.NET
To integrate Typemock Isolator with CruiseControl .NET, you need to configure CruiseControl .NET to run with TMockRunner.
Because the best practice recommends to copy the Typemock Isolator DLLs to the source control repository, the following example assumes that the DLLs are stored there (see the executable parameter). Your build can retrieve the files from the source control repository.
The original location of the DLLs is C:\Program Files (x86)\TypeMock\Isolator\<version>\TMockRunner.dll.
To configure CruiseControl .NET:
• In ccnet.config stored in the CruiseControl.NET root folder, add the following code to run the tests:
<baseDirectory><your directory></baseDirectory>
<buildArgs>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" /testcontainer:Tests.dll</buildArgs>