Faking Private Properties or Indexers
To fake a private property or indexer, use one of the following specialized Isolate.NonPublic APIs:
Behavior Type |
Description |
NonPublic.Property |
Fakes a private property |
NonPublic.Indexer |
Fakes a private indexer |
Then use one of the following:
Behavior Type |
Description |
WhenGetCalled |
Fakes the property getter (var x = aClass.Password) |
WhenSetCalled |
Fakes the property setter (myClass.Password = "typemock rocks";) |
C# Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenGetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WillReturn(<value>); Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenSetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").IgnoreCall();
Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenGetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WillReturn(<value>)
Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenSetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").IgnoreCall()
Sample 1: Faking Values Returned from a Private Property
To set a behavior on a private get or set property, use the same Isolate.NonPublic function (that is NonPublicWillReturn) with get_PropertyName and set_PropertyName as the method name.
To set a behavior on a private indexer, use the same Isolate.NonPublic function (that is NonPublicWillReturn) with get_Item and set_Item as the method name.
You can set
static properties by passing a type instead of an instance.
cannot be static.
C# var fakeDependency = Isolate.Fake.Instance<Dependency>(Members.CallOriginal); Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenGetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WillReturn(3);
Dim fakeDependency = Isolate.Fake.Instance(Of Dependency)(Members.CallOriginal)
Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenGetCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WillReturn(3)
Sample 2: Faking a Private Property when the Private Method Has Generic Arguments
The following sample shows how to fake a private property when the private method has generic arguments.
C# //Syntax Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WithGenericArguments(typeof(MyClass)).WillReturn(<value>); [TestMethod, Isolated] public void PrivateGenericMethod_Return() { Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled<Dependency>("PrivateCallGuardGeneric").WithGenericArguments(typeof(int)).WillReturn(3); var result = Dependency.CallsGuardGeneric<int>(); Assert.AreEqual(3, result); } private static T PrivateCallGuardGeneric<T>() { return default(T); }
Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(fakeDependency, "PrivateProp").WithGenericArguments(GetType(MyClass)).WillReturn(<value>)
<TestMethod, Isolated>
Public Sub PrivateGenericMethod_Return()
Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(Of Dependency)("PrivateCallGuardGeneric").WithGenericArguments(GetType(Integer)).WillReturn(3)
Dim result = Dependency.CallGuardGeneric(Of Integer)()
Assert.AreEqual(3, result)
End Sub
Public Shared Function CallGuardGeneric(Of T)() As T
Return PrivateCallGuardGeneric(Of T)()
End Function
Private Shared Function PrivateCallGuardGeneric(Of T)() As T
Return Nothing
End Function