Sample 1: Testing non-query
Original Method
The following sample shows a method that create a new Entity of a Blog and adding it to the DataBase:
C# public static void AddBlog(string name) { using (var database = new BloggingContext()) { //Create and save a new Blog var blog = new Blog { Name = name }; database.Blogs.Add(blog); database.SaveChanges(); } }
Public Shared Sub AddBlog(name As String)
Using database = New BloggingContext()
'Create and save a new Blog
Dim blog = New Blog() With {
.Name = name
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Typemock Isolator Features Used
• Swap Future Instance
• Replacing Collections
• Changing methods behavior
1. Get a handle for future BloggingContext class with its original methods.
2. Set all calls to the method BloggingContext.Add to an alternative implementation: add the Blog to the fake list instead of the DataBase.
3. Set all calls to the method BloggingContext.SaveChanges to be ignored and its return value to 1.
4. Call the Program.GetAllBlogs method.
5. Check the list and verify that BloggingContext.SaveChanges had been called.
C# [TestMethod, Isolated] public void AddFakeEntityToDB_EntityIsInTheDB() { List<Blog> fakeDb = new List<Blog>(); //Get a handle for future instance of BloggingContext that will be created var contextHandle = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance<BloggingContext>(Members.CallOriginal); //Changing the Add and SaveChanges methods behavior Isolate.WhenCalled(() => contextHandle.Blogs.Add(null)).DoInstead(context => { var blog = context.Parameters[0] as Blog; fakeDb.Add(blog); return blog; }); Isolate.WhenCalled(() => contextHandle.SaveChanges()).WillReturn(1); //Call the method that is under test Program.AddBlog("test"); //Assert Assert.AreEqual("test", fakeDb[0].Name); Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(() => contextHandle.SaveChanges()); }
<TestMethod(), Isolated()>
Public Sub AddFakeEntityToDB_EntityIsInTheDB()
Dim fakeDb As List(Of Blog) = New List(Of Blog)()
'Get a handle for future instance of BloggingContext that will be created
Dim contextHandle = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance(Of BloggingContext)(Members.CallOriginal)
Isolate.WhenCalled(Function() contextHandle.SaveChanges()).WillReturn(1)
'Changing the Add method and the SaveChanges behavior
Isolate.WhenCalled(Function() contextHandle.Blogs.Add(Nothing)).DoInstead(Function(context)
Dim blog = TryCast(context.Parameters(0), Blog)
Return blog
End Function)
'Call the method that is under test
Assert.AreEqual("test", fakeDb(0).Name)
Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(Function() contextHandle.SaveChanges())
End Sub