License Installation

The following steps describe Typemock Isolator license installation and upgrade:

To provide a new license code within Visual Studio( client version):

1. Select Typemock > Options.

The Options window is displayed.

2. In the options list, select Typemock > License.

3. In the Company/Email field, enter the company name/ email.

4. In the License Code field, enter the new license code.

5. Click Set License.

To provide a new license code through Typemock Configuration tool( server and client version):

1. Go to Typemock installation folder.

2. In the installation folder, open TypeMock.Configuration.Exe.

3. Select License tab.

4. In the Company/Email field, enter the company name/ email.

5. In the License Code field, enter the license code.

6. Check For All Users to apply the license on the machine level.
This option requires administrator privileges.

7. Click Set License.