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0 votes
Hi, I am using Typemock 3.0.3 version
When I run nant script, i get this error in nant script log.
code is provided below error

Error ::
[loadtasks] Scanning assembly "TypeMock.NAntBuild" for extensions.
[exec] NCover.Console v1.5.4 - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET -
[exec] Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Peter Waldschmidt
[exec] Command: /a
[exec] Command Args: Ttl.Tissip.TracsDataAccessLayer; /c C:Program FilesNUnit 2.2in unit-console.exe Ttl.Tissip.CommonComponents.NUnitTests.dll
[exec] Working Directory:
[exec] Assemblies:
[exec] Coverage Xml: Coverage.Xml
[exec] Coverage Log: Coverage.Log
[exec] The system cannot find the file specified

CODE :: <loadtasks assembly="${typemock.dir}TypeMock.NAntBuild.dll" />
<typemockstart link ="NCover" profilerlaunchedfirst="true" target="2.0"></typemockstart>
<exec program="${ncover.dir} cover.console.exe " failonerror="true" workingdir="${tissip.snapshot.source.tissip.messages.dir}Ttl.Tissip.CommonComponents.NUnitTestsindebug">
<arg value="/a" />
<arg value="Ttl.Tissip.TracsDataAccessLayer;Ttl.Tissip.MessageValidator;Ttl.Tissip.CrossLayer;Ttl.Tissip.BusinessEntities;Ttl.Tissip.BusinessComponents" />
<arg value="/c" />
<arg value="${nunit.dir} unit-console.exe" />
<arg value="Ttl.Tissip.CommonComponents.NUnitTests.dll" />

can any one solve this?
asked by prsh (1.7k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
forgot one thing......
All the path mentioned in code is correct :!:
answered by prsh (1.7k points)
0 votes
To use Nant with TypeMock you need to purchase an enterprise license.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)