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0 votes
I receive a "The memory could not be read." fom ProcessInvocation.exe when running TypeMock from TestDriven .Net 1.0.915 (using NUnit 2.2) in Visual Studio .Net 2003. Here is the last part of the log generated from the test run:

ConfgurationManager class T GetConnectionSettings()
IL_0 = ldnull
IL_1 = ldstr 0x7000073B
IL_2 = ldstr 0x7000082A
IL_3 = call 0x0A00006A
IL_4 = brfalse.s 0x38
IL_5 = ldnull
IL_6 = ldstr 0x7000073B
IL_7 = ldstr 0x7000082A
IL_8 = call 0x0A00006D
IL_9 = dup
IL_10 = isinst 0x01000053
IL_11 = brtrue.s 0x10
IL_12 = ldstr 0x7000073B
IL_13 = ldstr 0x7000082A
IL_14 = call 0x0A00006C
IL_15 = ret
IL_16 = pop
IL_17 = ldstr 0x7000073B
IL_18 = ldstr 0x7000082A
IL_19 = call 0x0A00006C

Andy Blubaugh
asked by (1.2k points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Hi Andy,
I cannot seem to reproduce this bug.
What happens when you run the tests from the command line?

I receive a "The memory could not be read." fom ProcessInvocation.exe when running TypeMock from TestDriven .Net 1.0.915 (using NUnit 2.2) in Visual Studio .Net 2003.
answered by richard (3.9k points)
0 votes
When I run the tests from the comand line I receive the following error from the JIT debugger after the tests run successfully:

"An exception 'System.StackOverflowException' has occurred in nunit-console.exe"

Perhaps this is a problem with my virtual PC, which is running Windows 2003 Server SP1. When I get an opportunity I'll test this out on my home PC and let you know what the results are.

Thanks for your help,
answered by (1.2k points)
0 votes
Hi Andy

"An exception 'System.StackOverflowException' has occurred in nunit-console.exe"

Can you reproduce this with a small test?
Does this happen if you have one test that only does:
It might be that one of the types you are mocking causes this problem.
If you can please send the example.
answered by richard (3.9k points)
0 votes
Hi Andy

Have you managed to solve this?
If you haven't please send us the typemock.out file (See first topic in this Forum), you can send it to the mail that I will send you.
answered by scott (32k points)
0 votes
This issue was taken offline, a fix has been made and will be released shortly.
answered by scott (32k points)