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Hi I have a question concerning type mock feature and constructors

When i mock a type first like
Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(TestedClass));

and the initialize the type
TestedClass testedClass=new TestedClass();

the code inside the constructor is never executed??
How can i allow that code to be executed?

asked by tolisss (28.8k points)

8 Answers

0 votes
When i mock a type first like
Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(TestedClass));

and the initialize the type
TestedClass testedClass=new TestedClass();

the code inside the constructor is never executed??
How can i allow that code to be executed?

Hi, This is simple use the following:
Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(TestedClass),false);

The second parameter is bool mockConstructors, by default it is true, but you can turn it off as shown above.

:idea: Tip: To mock the constructor but to run initializations of static fields you can do the following:
Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(TestedClass),false);

I hope this helps
answered by richard (3.9k points)
0 votes
Tip: To mock the constructor but to run initializations of static fields you can do the following

   public class test
      public void MethodName()
         Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(Class6),false);

   public class Class6
      private int i=0;
      public Class6()


No method .ctor in type MCH.Fixtures.Class6 returns void

answered by tolisss (28.8k points)
0 votes

No method .ctor in type MCH.Fixtures.Class6 returns void

:oops: Woops, true,
my mistake. You cannot do that in the version that you have. I will see what can be done.
answered by scott (32k points)
0 votes
*deleted by mistake - sorry*
answered by tolisss (28.8k points)
0 votes
You can now Mock the constructor without mocking static fields using the following code:

Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(Class6),false);
answered by richard (3.9k points)
0 votes
based on the above post i expected this not to fail
public class Class3
      public string test="test";
      public Class3()

   public class ClassName
      public void MethodName()
         Mock mock=MockManager.Mock(typeof(Class3),false);
            Class3 class3=new Class3();

is it possible to mock the constructor but allow the test field to be initialized?

answered by tolisss (28.8k points)
0 votes
The above code will fail as what is really happening behind the scenes is that the public string test="test" is actually initialized in the constructor so the code is equvalent to:
public class Class3
      public string test;
      public Class3()

You have mocked the constructor so test will not be initialized.
:!: Just to make things clear, the example code we showed is to enable static fields to be initialized.
answered by scott (32k points)
0 votes
Mocking Constructors is much simpler in version 2.2 please see Mocking Constructors topic in the User Guide
answered by richard (3.9k points)