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0 votes
I have license valid for TypeMock Isolator v9.1.1 (.NET). I need to install on my Azure DevOps server an extension which will be compatible with my TypeMock 9.1.1. Now there is an only one version (9.2.71762) of Typemock Run Unit Tests Tasks on marketplace. Is it possible to get somehow the Typemock extension lower (9.1) version? Could someone share link of installer of that?
asked by PaDu (600 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi PaDu,

Our Typemock task in Azure DevOps has backwards compatibility with older versions of Typemock Isolator.
This means that running the latest version of the Typemock task with Isolator version 9.1.1, installed in your agent, should work with no issues.

Have you tried it and encountered any problems? If so, what is the issue? If not, please try and let us know about the output.


Tom Milchman

Typemock Support Specialist
answered by Tom_Typemock (1.2k points)

Hi Tom
I'm really doubt that backwards compatibility working fine.

I tried to run Azure DevOps Typemock Task v.9.2.71762 with Typemock v.9.1.1 installed on my Azure DevOps Agent and received license related error.

Please find Typemock task execution log below:

Starting: Test Assemblies **Release*tests*.dll;-:**obj**
Task         : Typemock via Visual Studio Test
Description  : Run Typemock tests with Visual Studio test runner
Version      : 9.2.71762
Author       : Typemock
Help         : [More Information]
##[warning]Task 'VSTestWithTypemock' (9.2.71762) is using deprecated task execution handler. The task should use the supported task-lib:
Preparing task execution handler.
Executing the powershell script: C:sts-agent_work_tasksVSTestWithTypemock_b79d073d-713c-4c2b-9ec4-f88d990cfa349.2.71762VSTestWithTypemock.ps1
Loaded: TypeMock.CLI.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3dae460033b8d8e2
TypeMock Register with AutoDeploy = false Company = **my_company_name** License = **my_license_key**
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Typemock Isolator invalid license: **my_license_key** **my_company_name**
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Typemock Register Failed
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Make sure, that Typemock Isolator for Build Server installed properly
##[error]PowerShell script completed with 4 errors.
Finishing: Test Assemblies **Release*tests*.dll;-:**obj**

Additionally I CAN run tests in Visual Studio on the same server from the same source code. I sure it possible because I have Typemock v.9.1.1 with valid license on my Azure DevOps Agent.
I'll be extremally thankful for any help from your side.
Hi PaDu,

Have you seen the email that I sent you regarding this issue?

Tom Milchman
Typemock Support Specialist