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0 votes

I am setting up a new TFS 2013 server with TypeMock 8.2. I am using the AutoDeploy method in the documentation. I am using the build template provided by TypeMock (TfvcTemplate 12 WithTypemock.xaml) with no changes. I have checked in the specified assemblies to the custom assemblies location for TFS (4 dlls in the documentation) and checked in the entire AutoDeploy folder contents to another location in TFS. I have a simple project with single executable and a single test library to execute a test using TypeMock.

When I run the build it fails with the following:

Test method TypeMockBuildTest.Tests.UnitTest1.TestMethod1 threw exception: 
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'TypeMock.ArrangeActAssert.Isolate' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'TypeMock.MockManager' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'TypeMock.InterceptorsWrapper' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: _uxPQTV01zfc7XKv4rByk4AFosFd_._LipTBxdqG5pkAThwl2IcjUIsPqA_ is inaccessible due to its protection level. Only public types can be processed.
Can someone provide suggested steps for resolving this?

If I install TypeMock on build server it works. So this is an issue with auto-deploy. I've tried several things, including staging a static folder outside of TFS on the build server with the auto-deploy contents. Here are the diagnostics:

Register Typemock00:00:00
Execute TypeMockRegister, Version=
Source AutoDeploy location is 'E:TypeMock8.2'
TypeMockRegister, Company='xxx', License='xxx', AutoDeploy=False, DeployRootDirectory=
TypeMockRegister High=Typemock Isolator License set
Start Typemock00:00:00
Execute TypeMockStart, Version=
TypeMockStart Target=, ProfilerLaunchedFirst=False, Link=, LogLevel=0, LogPath=, EvaluationFolder=,DisableAutoLinkFalse
TypeMockStart Error=Typemock is not deployed on this system, please install Typemock or use register to autodeploy typemock
Typemock is not deployed on this system, please install Typemock or use register to autodeploy typemock
 at TypeMock.CLI.Common.TypeMockStartInfo.Execute() at TypeMock.TFS2013.TypeMockStart.ExecuteInternal() at TypeMock.TFS2013.TypeMockCodeActivityBase.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)

Thank you,



asked by mark_shiffer (1.7k points)
edited by mark_shiffer
Yes, it is worth it. Thank you.

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
This has been fixed, and will be part of version 8.2.2

Thanks for the reports
answered by Bar (3.3k points)
selected by Bar
0 votes
answered offline
answered by alex (17k points)
We're still working on this.

I'll post here when it's solved


It seems like a problem with the installation/AutoDeploy.

Please send the values of the following registry keys: (run regedit.exe) 


Sent you a fix offline.
0 votes

AutoDeply is not working here, see  


we are investifgating, it seems like a problem translating the server path to the local path.


answered by Bar (3.3k points)
We fixed this and sent a fix, will be part of next release (8.2.2+)