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0 votes


I am evaluating Isolator++ with VS 2012 and fighting some error with exception code C0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION).

I was able to get Isolator++ up and running in a simple dummy setup (one lib-project with MyTurtle class, one MS Test project). So far so good.

Now I have transfered my dummy class I want to fake (MyTurtle) into my real project and did the steps described in the Online Help "Setting up MS Test".

The result is a failing test. An exception is thrown with exception code C0000005 indicating an ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Any help is highly appreciated! I am stuck...



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Here is the stacktrace I get:

Result Message:    Exception code: C0000005
Result StackTrace:    
at FAKE<MyTurtle>() in c:program files (x86) ypemockisolator++includeortestsisolator.h:Line 357
    at MyTests::MyMockTests::MyTurtleTest() in somePathmymocktest.cpp:Line 18

Here is my test class:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppUnitTest.h"

#include <isolator.h>

#include "MyTurtle.h"

using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework;

namespace MyTests

         MyTurtle* t = FAKE<MyTurtle>();

         Assert::AreEqual(42, t->GetX());




asked by intertag (600 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Christoph,
This is an interesting error.
First of all make sure your test project and real project defined the same.
To check it you can do a simple test like this:

	MyTurtle* t = new MyTurtle();
In any case we shouldn't throw an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception in cases like this.
I'll contact you privately to investigate more further.
answered by inga (280 points)