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0 votes
I'm getting strange results that I don't understand. Either of these unit tests will pass when run individually:

[Isolated, TestMethod, Owner("Mark Phillips"), TestCategory("Default Replenishment Information")]
public void UpdateDefaultReplenishmentByStockTypeId_CaseQuantityTooLow_ExpectValidationError()
string expectedError = "Case quantity must be 1 or greater.";


ProductReplenishmentDefaults defaults = ProductReplenishmentDefaults.NewReplenishmentItemDefaults();
ProductReplenishmentData productReplenishmentData = ProductReplenishmentData.NewReplenishmentItemForDefaultsList(defaults, true);

productReplenishmentData.CaseQuantity = 0;

Assert.AreEqual<string>(expectedError, productReplenishmentData.BrokenRulesCollection.ToString().StripErrorCode());

[Isolated, TestMethod, Owner("Mark Phillips"), TestCategory("Default Replenishment Information")]
public void UpdateDefaultReplenishmentByStockTypeId_CaseQuantityEdgeValue_ExpectValid()

ProductReplenishmentDefaults defaults = ProductReplenishmentDefaults.NewReplenishmentItemDefaults();
ProductReplenishmentData productReplenishmentData = ProductReplenishmentData.NewReplenishmentItemForDefaultsList(defaults, true);

productReplenishmentData.CaseQuantity = 1;


But when run together the second one fails with System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot register property CaseQuantity after containing type (ProductReplenishmentData) has been instantiated.

Both methods have the Isolated attribute, so why would the results be different when run individually versus together?

I am using version

asked by MarkPhillips7 (600 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Mark,

I can't reproduce the error from the code you posted since I don't have the code under test :(
If it's possible I suggest that you'll send us a small repro of the problem to our support mail:
support at
If it is not possible we can do remote desktop session to solve the issue.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
Hi - look, I have no idea if this pertains to your problem, but when I had issues with multiple tests failing (yet individually succeeding), I found I could solve this by having "Isolate.CleanUp()" between tests. For example:
public void Cleanup()
answered by xdzgor (3.3k points)