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0 votes
Please see: (read Inc as int).

I have used the EventTunnel.DuringMethodCall hooks in typemock and they are very powerful! I would like to know if there is a hook or event for private field gets / sets since they can be mocked.


The Example below could display hello world;

public class TestClass {
public static void TestMethod(){ EventTunnel.ShouldInterceptDecision += ShouldIntercept; EventTunnel.DuringMethodCall += FieldChanged; MockMe.SetMe = 0; }

private void FieldChanged(InterceptedCallEventArgs args)
Console.Writeline( "HelloWorld!" );

private void ShouldIntercept( TMShouldInterceptEventArgs args )
args.Returns( InterceptBehavior.Intercept );

public class MockMe {
public static int SetMe;
asked by trp (4.1k points)

8 Answers

0 votes
Hi Tom,

This is a nice work around idea for the field mocking problem. Unfortunately, implementing this on top of Isolator would have the same problem - field access is not intercepted in Isolator, so hooking into it is currently not possible.

Typemock Support
answered by doron (17.2k points)
0 votes
is there another way I can accomplish "watching" for any field change?
answered by trp (4.1k points)
0 votes
Hi Tom,

As Doron said the real problem is that field accesses are not intercepted by the isolator framework.

There was however a partial solution for handling fields (as long as they were classes and not struct/primitive types) that you might find useful.

try looking here: ... Field.html
answered by error (6.6k points)
0 votes
OK. Thanks. It would be a nice feature to see in the future but for now I will use MockField. Can MockManager be used in the same test as Isolator? Will I need to clear Isolator and MockManager?

answered by trp (4.1k points)
0 votes

Basically you can however its quite tricky to make them work together.
I would suggest, for simplicity, picking a single API version per test.

The "reflective" API should be able to do anything the AAA API can.
answered by error (6.6k points)
0 votes
answered by trp (4.1k points)
0 votes
Please see: (read Inc as int).

I have used the EventTunnel.DuringMethodCall hooks in typemock and they are very powerful! I would like to know if there is a hook or event for private field gets / sets since they can be mocked.


The Example below could display hello world;

public class TestClass {
public static void TestMethod(){ EventTunnel.ShouldInterceptDecision += ShouldIntercept; EventTunnel.DuringMethodCall += FieldChanged; MockMe.SetMe = 0; }

private void FieldChanged(InterceptedCallEventArgs args)
Console.Writeline( "HelloWorld!" );

private void ShouldIntercept( TMShouldInterceptEventArgs args )
args.Returns( InterceptBehavior.Intercept );

public class MockMe {
public static int SetMe;

Good question. At me a similar problem. I too am for the first time at this forum.
answered by terry3111 (140 points)
0 votes

What is the exact issue you encountered? Can you post sample of the code you're trying to test?

Typemock Support
answered by Elisha (12k points)