Wii Have a Wiinner!

That’s right. Narcisse Adjalla is the winner of the Wii sweepstakes in our last webcast. He’s now the proud owner of a new Nintendo Wii.

Narcisse works at SoftTarget inc., a company that develop solution in portfolio modeling, pre-trade compliance, portfolio manufacturing, workflow automation, reporting and integration. SoftTarget’s principal soft product is iBalance for portfolio management.

Narcisse in his own words:

I’m an analyst Programmer with SoftTarget Inc. My principal work consist on modeling portfolio, generate recommendations using multi-factor targets (weight, duration, currency etc.) and constraints. I also develop a lot programmer tests because I manipulate sensitive data. Therefore, Typemock help me principally in mocking database data.

I graduated At polythechnique school located in Montreal in computer engineering and now I’m finishing a Master in Applied Mathematics in the same university.

So I guess these computer engineering classes paid off.

Congratulations Narcisse!