Unit Testing Experts Dror Helper and Gil Zilberfeld this evening @ the Israeli .Net Developers User Group


Most software developers have already heard about unit testing and some even use Test Driven Development at their work, but there is much more to unit tests then writing tests using a framework. Typemock,Gil Zilberfeld,Dror Helper

This session is for developers that want to use and learn more about unit testing.

Dror Helper – Real life unit testing:

Tools are not enough. If you want to succeed overtime, you need more ammunition. Some people call them best practices. We call them real life lessons.Why should every developer unit test his code, Unit testing tools,TDD & Unit testing best practices, How to avoid writing fragile tests and Testing special scenarios

Gil Zilberfeld  – How to make a mockery

So you’ve decided you want to unit test. Good for you. But are you ready for the next step? In the real world, applications are so complex, that in order to test a component in isolation, you need a new set of tools. Only if you don’t want to waste your time, that is.



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Hope to see you there